I once had a wonderful hard drive in a very cute little laptop. It stored all my genealogy files and thousands of photographs, all neatly organized and labeled. One day I was on my bed with my laptop on my lap. Isn't that what they are made for--lazy computing? Apparently not. Suddenly, years of work slipped from my lumpy lap to the floor and the rest is history.
Good-bye to blogging until I can afford to get a new hard drive. Hopefully, there is some one out there who can restore some of my files. PLEEEEAAASSSSSEEEE!!!
NOOO! How awful!
I have a friend who might be able to help.... He's a medical student whose hobby is computers. He retrieved my daughter's files from her broken hard drive and tells me that in only the rarest of cases can he not retrieve the data. He's in Ohio....
Recently went through something far less truamatic with my computer and cried for a couple of days, so I certainly sympathize. However, my husband concurred with Nancy. Your files are still there and can, most likely, be retrieved. Maybe the local high school has a tech saavy student who can help. Good luck.
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