Linda at Flipside and Judy at Genealogy Traces mentioned me on their blogs. I am honored and heartened to know that someone reads what I write---even if I don't get comments! I am encouraged and will continue to blog.
Of course, the idea behind presenting the award is to pass on the encouragement by awarding seven deserving blogs.
I could nominate dozens, but here are the seven I picked for the "One Lovely Blog Award":
Marty at Travelin' Oma's Library
Sherie at Sher-ing Time
Kate at Kate's Plate
Pat at Past Imperfect
Andrea at Colouring Outside the Lines
Liv at One Year of Beauty
Keri(th) at Tales from the Lone Star State
None of the above are genealogy blogs per se, but all are worth a look and a read.
Thanks again Linda and Judy.
I appreciate your lovely blog, and the lovely blog award you just passed on to me.
Your stitches are inspirational!
Thanks so much for the award - what a cool idea and a great way to encourage more loveliness in the world! :) I will certainly pass it on!
There are days that I wonder about my blogging ability. Don't stop. I enjoy reading your stories, PLUS your banner is beautiful!
Thank you - that is very sweet of you and I see I'm in great cfenerogompany.
Thanks, OG. What a treat! And I love the way you've 'stitched together' the theme of your blog. So clever!
oh gosh I am flattered. thank you ever so much! Of course keep blogging Sheri!!! I never get comments on my cooking blog either if it's any consolation, but I do it because it's fun for me and whether or not anyone reads it is well, NOT MY PROBLEM!!! You have a wonderful blog going here- please keep it up!!!
Thank you for the award--- very kind. I also loved the Dash post. Sure gives me a lot to sleep on tonight!
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face today! Extremely thoughtful of you to think of the simple folk (referencing only myself here!). I too have contemplated throwing in the blogger towel from time to time. I don't usually have anything of great significance to share like the rest of you wonderful gals, but in the end it's far too therapeutic for me to give up.
I would simply die if you left blogger world! I love reading your wonderful stories (even if only from bloglines lately), and I always leave feeling empowered with a newly acquired knowledge of life and humanity!
To Everyone--You are all wonderful. Thanks for the encouragement!
Marty- You know how much I love you and your comments.
Liv- You inspire me.
Lindalee- Though you are new on my list, you are becoming a favorite.
Pat- Your blog makes me feel close to the U.K. and you have such a unique perspective.
Andrea- Your artwork inspires and lifts me. As a wannabe artist, your blog helps me stay plugged in to the art world.
Kate- You know how much I love ya, baby! Someday I'll even try your recipes.
Keri(th)- I've truly missed your blogs! You always make me laugh at everyday things. Please come back to the blog world.
Thank you so much for the fun surprise I found in my comments this morning! I'm a little behind since I have been on "grandma duty" for a few days. You are too kind. I think this blog of yours here is such a sweet and tender "quilting project". I need to stitch together more stories like these then the ones that I do... but both kinds are family heirlooms to be sure!
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